Monday, February 16, 2015

Another Kind Review


Are you afraid of being in the woods?  The characters in this 2013 indie film weren't, and that was something that would change very soon.  "Another Kind" tells the story of a hiking trip gone bad, because of the unpreparedness of the travelers. This movie was dumb, boring, and a complete "Blair Witch Project" wannabe, and it's not worth anyone's free time.  

The movie starts off with a man running away in the woods from something unknown.  It is very dark outside, and there is a lot of terror being set off. Then suddenly, the screen blacks out, and the movie takes us back four days earlier. While this idea isn't exactly original, I think it worked for sure, and made me wonder what was happening. 

As the movie continues, we meet the other teenagers in the group. They're preparing for a hiking trip, and they are not nearly as prepared as they should be.  They find a spot in the woods to stay in, and they pitch their tents. As their trip proceeds, their fears and paranoia start to come out, and a long experience begins. 

So here's the deal with this movie..... It had so much potential to be awesome, but it passed every possible opportunity.  This film could've been a frightening encounter about the hell of being in the snow and freezing to death.  There was times where it almost went in that direction, but then it just decided to bore me with stupid melodramatic dialogue from the film's main couple Nate and Laura.  There was absolutely no terror, no grit, and nothing to even care about at all. Basically it's 76 minutes of wasted time.  Then they tried to do a plot twist at the end to redeem the boring qualities of everything else, but it was completely stupid and unrealistic. 

Please do not watch this movie. It was literally one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. This was an unoriginal, boring, and absurd movie that deserves no merits at all.  Life is way to short to waste this hour that you will never get back.  

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